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    Story reviews.

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    Story reviews. Empty Story reviews.

    Post by Mousie Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:24 am

    I seen a thing like this on sals and thought it would be a good idea to have one on here. I might eventually make this into a book case, if the library gets more active.

    I like writing, so most of my time will probably be spent in the library. So if you want a story reviewed just post on here with its name.

    Marking criteria-

    This includes spelling, punctuation etc. 10 marks.

    Story line- Is it clear what is going on? Does it have a story line? 5 marks.

    Character development- How well the characters are described etc. 5 marks.

    Plot- The complication in the story. Is anything interesting happening? 7 marks.

    Interest- Was it exciting? Or just boring. 3 marks.

    Originality- Has it been told before? Is it your work? 2 marks.

    Overall mark- 32.

    Don't take these marks too seriously. They are just hints on how to improve. You can only get better!

    Waiting list-

    1. Den denz- My untitled story.

    Last edited by Mousie on Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:52 am; edited 3 times in total
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by Ahmed Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:34 am

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    The second book in the Harry Potter series, the Chamber of Secrets makes it a great add on to the series. Since the first page it grabs your attention, since Harry Potter in his second year lears to have some fun around the house with the Dudleys.
    When Harry goes to Hogwarts, it is the similar introduction of him meeting his friends, Ron and Hermione etc. When he enters school however, there is a new twist. Through out the year Harry finds many students dead or rather "petrified", which means that they are frozen (half dead much?). Anyhow, as usual the hero Harry Potter along with his friends go and seek to destory what's doing this. They find out by interacting with charcters along the school that it is a giant Basilisk and it is hiding in the un-used girl's bathroom on the second floor.
    So they all go to the girls bathroom and down the water sink and they find the giant basiliask. They also see Tom Riddle (AKA young Voldermort), they exchange talks and Harry then nows that Tom RIddle was revived by Ginny reading the diary that Draco's father had given her. It was enchanted. By her reading it she somehow strenghtred Tom Riddle. So Harry first had to kill the Basilisk with the Griffindor Sword and then took a tooth of thr Basilisk and stabbed the diary with it.
    Then once again Harry Potter saved the year

    -The End-
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by Steve Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:59 pm

    why is it only 3 marks for intrest? Thats one of the key things when it comes to books i think, i wouldnt care if it was about a mouse called "ef" if it was intresting
    den denz
    den denz
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by den denz Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:40 pm

    Hey couz can u either rate my story on here or send me a message with how to do the url thingy.

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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by Ahmed Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:12 pm

    Also Mousie could you rate mines Smile
    den denz
    den denz
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by den denz Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:13 pm

    Ahmed, what he wants is for u to send a link to him like you did before then just wait for him.
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by Ahmed Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:15 pm

    What do you mean by dens a link? Do you mean I should pm him?
    den denz
    den denz
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    Post by den denz Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:19 pm

    HMM no sorry I thought the title was a link up the top sorry. Check this out.

    Check out how people reply.

    The idea is ou post your link and then he can read and rate it then when other people read the rateing they can use the same link and not have to look for it.
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by Mousie Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:25 am

    Yeah a link would be helpful. I will put on a waiting list. Steve there is only 3 marks for interest because I will be more focusing on grammar etc. And because people have different opinions. I could read a story and think it was totally crap and you might think it was the best you every read.

    So post here with a link to your story.
    den denz
    den denz
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by den denz Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:27 am

    Josh language please, lol I finally was the one who got to say it!!

    And please remind me how to do the link thingy!!!
    den denz
    den denz
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by den denz Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:40 am

    Hey I'd like my story reviewed. My Untitled Story

    (That's what he wants)

    Oh and Steve, the 3 points is so a storys rating doesn't get hurt by the reviewer simply not enjoying.

    You'll get what he actually thinks in comments.
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by Mousie Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:24 am

    "Maddy, watch out!" Charlie called out over the sound of horses galloping.
    I was frozen still. Coming straight at me was a dozen troops on horses riding straigt at me.[Straight is spelt wrong and the second straight isn't needed] I just couldn't move.
    body stop [Stopped] functioning. The next thing I knew Charlie was coming at me.
    I was knocked flat on my back with Charlie right on top of me.
    hind sight I don't know which would have been worse. Being trampled by
    a troop[herd] of horses or having Charlie having one over me for the rest of
    my life.
    As quickly as they came, they passed.

    "What the..." started [S should be capital] Charlie as he climbed off of me.
    "Who the..." I started.
    "Where the..." Andrew started.

    were suddenly in an open feild, not far from what seemed like a [an] oldschool [ols school] village. I had no idea where we were. I had never seen any of
    the secenery [scenery] arond [around] me. Everything seemed new, or rather old. To our
    left was a forest, which stretched as far as the eye could see. Over to
    our right was a stream which lead down to a small village.

    I sholud [should] probably start from the start.

    - Chapter One -

    started out like any other day. Charlie and I were on our way back to
    the mess hall. Wed [we'd or we had] just finished our last class for the day. We had
    been watching the worlds most boring movie on medieval living. The
    video had to be over 100 years old and the presenter looked as if he
    could drop dead at any moment. Most of our class was almost asleep for
    most of it, but Charlie and Andrew were right into it. As far as they
    were concerned watching multiple people get beheaded by a blunt knife
    all in the name of education was a fantastic idea. Mrs. Muller (our
    history teacher) was nuts about the medieval period. She was always
    wired on coffee, it was always funny.

    By the time we arived at
    the mess hall we were starving. But as we walked in, it was oddly
    quite. Charlie and I exchanged worried glances. We both attended
    Illyria Boarding school, and rule one of our school was where theres
    [there's or there is] food theres [there's or there is] students. Yet here we were surronded [surrounded] by food with no
    students arround [around].
    Something was definately [definitely] up. We heard a sound from the back and started our way back there.

    seemed that everyone was crowded around the staff window. As we made
    our way to the front we realised they were all gathered around a
    television. Again this was way out of the ordinary. I'd been to this
    school from the word go and I'd never seen a television set. Again
    Chalie and I exchanged worried glances.
    But before we could figure out what we were watching, our principal, Mr. Booth, came in and turned it off.

    alright, everyone move back," Mr. Booth said, almost screaming to be
    heard above the rising noise level,[full stop] "OK everyone back to your year
    level rooms. Your teachers will fill you in on the details."

    around me began moving towards the main door. I grabbed Charlie around
    the hips, (so I wouldn't lose him), and followed. Everyone around me
    seemed tense. People all around were whispering nervously.

    Somewhere to our left someone said, "The Prime Minister seemed nervous."
    And over to our right, "Do you think the school will send everyone home?"
    "Do you think our parents are ok?"
    "Why isn't the UN stepping in?"
    now I was freaking out. Whatever was going on must have been huge. As
    we were on our way back to our main room, Andrew and Rachael caught up
    with us.
    "What in the world is going on?" I asked, almost cutting
    off Charlie's circulation. I was still holding onto his hips and with
    the build up tension I was gripping way to hard.
    "Oww," complained
    Charlie. He removed my hands from his waist and held my hand, just as
    tight. "Yeah, what's going on, other than Maddy's new passion for
    extreme massaging."
    "Well, me and Rachael were wandering past the mess hall and we noticed no-one was in their [there], which weirded us out so...."
    "Andrew," I said quite annoyed, "get to the point today please."
    of all people should know he can't do that," Racheal [Rachael] said with a
    giggle, "we were in the mess hall and the tv was on, we were so
    shocked! So we headed over and saw some old guy, apparently he was the
    leader of the UN, talking about war in the countryside of Illyria
    "What?" Charlie and I both said at once.
    "That's just
    it," Racheal [Rachael] continued, "by then everyone was gathered around and
    watching and then Mr. Booth came in, and you know the rest."

    War in Illyria that's immpossible isn't it? It's funny, here at Illyria
    we are completly cut off from the outside world. Charlie and I had both
    attended Illyria since the word go. And this time the "word go" was a
    lot earlier than normal. Illyria was a private, exclusivie and
    extremmly [extremely]expensive school. Illyria is an island off the coast of
    Australia. It had been privatley brought by the founders of the school.
    Apparently he was some absolutley filthy rich guy who absolutley loved
    the medieval period. He loved how they had such definate social ladders
    and how those at the, or near the, [Comma not needed] top were so in his words, "classy" [Were in his words, so "classy"]
    so he founded [A better word should be used here. Maybe built?] this school. The idea is that they take the most gifted
    children from around the world and train them in the ways of ture [Don't know what that's supposed to be, perhaps pure?]
    gentlemen and ladies. Perfection is a must and failing isn't an option.
    It sounds rough but that's how we do it. As well as that they have
    extreme strictness on rules about etiquette and just about everything
    else. But it was great! It sounds completly [completely] over the top, and in a way
    it was, but with all the extra rules came all the extra perks. This
    school was the most wealthy school around[comma or full stop here or 'and'] budget just wasn't in their
    vocabulary. Instead of learning out of a text book how a hover car
    works, we had professionals come in and help us build one in each
    class. And the afterschool activities were just as great. Learning
    outside of the classsroom [classroom] and out of school hours was [were] greatly

    My parents definatley [definitely] couldn't afford it. Not in a
    long shot. But apparently I'm brilliant, I know how stuck up that
    sounds but apparently it's true. I got into Illyira on a full
    scholarship, many other kids could have made it but apparently
    somewhere in my family line we were related to the founders of the
    school, so I got in. My parents are both Australian farmers, I love
    them to bits but I only go home during the Christmas holidays, which
    means their always busy. Other than them it was just me and my brother
    Matt. Matt, well what can you say? I'd say ledgend! [legend] As much as other
    siblings fought we depended on each other. Matt was 18, two years lder
    [older] than me, and he was preparing to take on his destiny, running our famil
    farm. I'd only lived on the farms [farm] for two years. And getting back to
    the unusual early "word go" I had com to Illyria a [at] the age of two.

    on the other hand, well lets just say money just wasn't an issue.
    Here's a guy who has it all, but is still as down to earth as they
    come. His parents are both scientist [scientists] working in the forensic department
    at the Australia Department of Defence. They were the best in the
    business and their pay checks mirrored that feeling. Their work often
    meant a lot of traveling, [travelling, two l's. It's spelt that way everywhere except USA] and it was because of this they decided to
    send Charlie to a boarding school. And boy I was glad they did.
    was one of those guys, you know the type, teachers thought he was the
    most brilliant, charming student they'd ever come across, and all of
    the female students at Illyria thoght [thought] he was the most attractive guy
    that could be found on planet earth, but to me he was the best friend
    in the world!
    I always knew if I had a problem Charlie and his sense
    of humor would be there to help. Being without your family for 10 out
    of 12 months of your life since the age of two is tough, but with
    Charlie there it was much easier to cope. Our friendship had started
    out on the soccer field, and since then we'd just grown closer.

    the time we finally made it to our year level room, (the year 10 year
    level room was on the other side of the school to the mess hall), most
    of the class was already there. Everyone was tense and talking
    nervously. We took our seats, Charlie, Andrew, Rachael and I all had
    seats grouped together at the back, and as we did Mr. Miller, our year
    level teacher, walked in. He was a funny guy, as well as being slightly
    shorter than Mrs. Muller he was one of the best teachers in the school.
    He got frustrated really easily, I mean once last year Andrew was late
    to roll call and when he rocked up he was a mess. Andrew was a tall,
    blonde and definatley hot guy, but on this day he was all over the
    place. His hair, normally sitting perfectly, was a mess. It literally
    looked like he just rolled out of bed, after wrestling a lion. Mr.
    Miller was in such a bad mood he walked over to Andrew and told him to
    go to the office then started pacing around, then all of a sudden he
    walked over to a new wall still in the constuction [construction] phase and punched
    it. It was completely out of the blue. He left a huge hole in it, but
    then even more surprisingly walked back to the front of the room and
    continued on with his roll call as if nothing had happened. We all sat
    there in a state of shock. It was not just the students who were the
    best and brightest in the world, the expectations for the teachers was [were]
    just as high [comma here] if not higher. Ever better was on the way out to our first
    class, biology at the zoo grounds I think, we saw him putting a Mona
    Lisa poster on the whole to cover it.

    As Mr. Miller came in he had an extremly [extremely] serious look on his face.


    pretty average, a lot of spelling mistakes and almost no punctuation errors. You should use a spell checker because most of those were very basic, most probably typo's. 6/10.

    Story line- So far nothing is happening, but it's early in the book. It's kinda at the describing stage. But it's not clear. 3/5.

    Character development-
    It's good so far. There has been background on the two main ones, and descriptions on a few of them. Need descriptions on all of the ones that will be there from start to finish early on. So we aren't wondering what they look like. Help us paint a mental picture instead of leaving use thinking. 4/5.

    Hasn't been revealed yet. I'm sure we'll find out in the next chapter or so, but we should at least have an idea in the first part. 4/7.

    So far it's pretty boring, but hey it's the start. Some bits are exciting (like the hole punch LOL) but other then those few it's a bit dull. 2/3.

    Haven't seen this anywhere, so obviously not copied. And from what you tell me you have wrote it all your self. 2/2.

    Overall- 21/32.

    So far I like this story. But you should fix up the mistakes (there are a lot of grammar errors) and try to open up the plot sooner instead of raving on for a few paragraphs about history. Just let the history unfold through the story.

    Keep writing, you can only get better!
    den denz
    den denz
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by den denz Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:52 am

    Thankyou, finally someone who doesn't say nice little story well done deary.

    Anywayz feel free to update my grammar grade, I've fixed most things so it should be all good.

    Everything BUT the thing about the guy founding the school, cause he didn't build it he founded it.

    LOL but thank you so much for a truthful review and I hope it gets better for you.
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by Mousie Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:55 am

    Um... thankyou? What gets better for me?

    And no worries lol. It's my pleasure to help. Hehe.
    den denz
    den denz
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by den denz Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:57 am

    The story, if it's boring so far I hope it gets better.
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by Ahmed Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:55 pm

    Oh! Sorry everyone , I guess Ill write a tory and give you a link to it then :>.<:
    den denz
    den denz
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by den denz Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:35 pm

    LOL yeah that'd be good.
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    Story reviews. Empty Re: Story reviews.

    Post by Mousie Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:59 am

    And, i'm not marking up your points, it stays with the original version.

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