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Mm. I tried to find a post I made a really long time ago (not too long after I joined) but it must've been auto-deleted or something...

But it went something like this. You guys most likely don't remember it. Steve wasn't here in the first place though.

Several years ago, when I was almost but not quite eight years old, I had a dream. This is one of the oldest memories I have, save for my first nightmare and a few actual events. In the dream (strangely, I can still remember it with ease) I was inside what looked like a silver cylinder. Some parts of the cylinder were pitch...

by Ace - Comments: 5 - Views: 384
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My DE teacher called not too long ago, and he says he wants me to drive this Saturday and the three Saturdays after. Way to drop the bombshell on a Thursday night...

Anyway, I'm not sure if I'm ready, and the stress is killing me... but I can't back out and wait another week/two weeks or whatever. It's now, or sometime in April/May/June. Not many things scare me...but right now I'm scared of hurting myself, the student car (yes it can feel pain), the teacher, the other passenger student, and anyone else on the road.

As someone from a video game once said, START THE KILL ...

by Ace - Comments: 5 - Views: 408
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I have no idea what happened. Cause I got the flu, and I've never felt so crappy before. My head is freezing and the rest of my body is burning up, and I'm so freakin tired. But insomnia is still ruling over my sleep. Or lack of it.

I saw some Egyptian protests on the local news. They didn't say anything I didn't already know, thanks to Ahmed. Very Happy But until then I didn't know how to pronounce Mubarak. I learn something every day... Noobarak.

by Ace - Comments: 7 - Views: 263
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It started on the third. In the few days I've been to that class, I have learned about a ton of things I never even would have noticed before. Like for example, I never thought a solid yellow line was different from a dotted, except for appearance (less paint used, less money used). But I have learned a few things about my teacher that are kind of freaky.

For one, his most common saying is that everyone absolutely MUST by HYPERaware while driving a vehicle. He also says that, whenever he gets inside his vehicle and closes the door, he wonders if he's closing the door to his coffin...lmao,...

by Ace - Comments: 11 - Views: 284
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Eh. I checked my grades today out of curiosity, and now I want to punch my Bio teacher ALL THE WAY TO HAAAAIL. I got an 89.8 in his class and he bumped it down to an 89.0. I hate that guy so much...


Geometry Class: 92
Geometry Final 1: 83
Geometry Final 2: 88

History Class: 94
History Final: 92

FACS Class: 87
FACS Final: 81

Literature Class: 90
Literature Final: 92

PE Class: 100

ABCA Class: 87
ABCA Final: 100

Biology Class: 89.8
Biology Final: 83


by Ace - Comments: 7 - Views: 245
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In my history class I had a useless assignment where I had to talk about why I liked winter or something... I started writing about how I shovel snow off driveways when this thought popped into my head...

Why do people park on driveways and drive on parkways? It doesn't make any sense. slanty

by Ace - Comments: 1 - Views: 255
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Tons of things have happened since I stopped posting here...I'm posting here today because something out-of-the-ordinary happened.

FIRST OF ALL...School was pretty much perfect until about two weeks ago. There's a girl that's constantly pressuring me to go on a date with her...she's clingy and desperate, and incredibly annoying...I've gone so far as to tell her to GTFO but she's a creeper and won't leave me alone...I'm thinking up a plan to get rid of her.

Took lotsa tests 'n stuff..gave a big presentation in Lit class. I swear to god, if I ever have to present again, I will...

by Ace - Comments: 17 - Views: 506
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It's Day 45.
I know today was Day 45 cuz my first nine weeks ended. Nothing much to say about the past days. Powerschool (internet thing that lets me check my grades whenver I want to) is temporarily down. The only grade I know is that I got a 95% on my quarterly assessment in Biology. The average was a 55%, so I did very well on it. Very Happy

I met a new guy in my Bio class too. Making friends is something I'm really good at, so we were pretty good friends by the time class was over.

Nyumnyumnyum. I'M OUTTA CHEEZ-ITS....

by Ace - Comments: 1 - Views: 187
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Day 38

Blaaaahg. I was planning on advertising something because a friend asked me to and I promised I would... but rule numbah 6 kinda ruined that.

Nothing really happened today. Taco works somewhere today, so I couldn't practice skateboarding. I spent First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth hours doing pretty much nothing but listening to my iPod. The only reason I didn't listen to it in 7th is cuz it died. My ears are burning where my earphones feels like I tore skin off when I finally took them out.

Grades: No change.

by Ace - Comments: 4 - Views: 274
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Nothing happened Friday, which is what I'm assuming as Day 36.

In FACS today, there was a black gangsta substitute teacher. The WHOLE hour, he made every sentence he said rhyme. It was teacher ever. Very Happy

After school, Taco took me to his house and decided he was going to teach he how to skateboard. I suck at it cause I can hardly even balance on Taco's skateboard, but eh. He promised me I'll get better, and said that I might be a natural at it because I push mongol and ride goofy...

by Ace - Comments: 3 - Views: 240
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Derp. I don't remember what happened on Day 33.

On Day 34 I felt like crap and stayed home from school.

Today, I didn't do much... I slept through 2nd period as usual. In Bio, I have to come in before school and make up a lab. In English I have to do the same, but for a test. What kind of weirdo gives out tests on Tuesday? On every other day, tests are normal...but Tuesday is just like...not-test day...

Got no homework.

In Lit the class watched a movie about some dude name Elie Something, who was a holocaust survivor. Knowing it's Lit class, I'll probably...

by Ace - Comments: 0 - Views: 272
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Day 32

Lol, I found out Friday how easy it is to crack a lock.

It was during gym (duh) and I was in the locker room talking with a friend. Somehow the conversation went to cracking locks, and how you can crack a dial lock by listening for clicks, so I went to a random person's lock and tried it. It actually a few minutes I had unlocked the lock off the previously locked locker now unlocked with no lock. Razz Anyway, I heard three clicks within the lock while I was turning the dial, and the dial tightened as...

by Ace - Comments: 0 - Views: 246
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I've been at school for a month now. Every school night I've slept about 3 hours... my eyes are now constantly red from lack of sleep, and I always have a minor headache. I still haven't learned one damn thing in English. That class is a total waste of time. The good Eng teacher has a stomach virus. Serves her right imo.

I heard this morning that Blockbuster filed for for them.


Geo: 92
Hst: 96
FCS: 88
Eng: 87
Phs: 100
BCA: 93
Bio: 90

by Ace - Comments: 0 - Views: 474
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Ugh. Today was the worst day of this year and last year combined.

Today, all the sophomores had to take a PL AN test. Not PLAN, or Plan, but PL AN. Those things are retarded... In the first of four sections, I had 30 minutes to answer 60 questions. It's impossible, cause it was the English section. Every 6 or so questions had at least 2 paragraphs of reading that went along with them. I had to guess on a third of the questions cause I ran out of time... the other three sections (math, science, READING) were the same BS. Not enough...

by Ace - Comments: 3 - Views: 291
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Day 28

I will now be referring MK as Woodstock...he finally got a nickname. Hilarious And it makes it easier. The other MK I'll refer as Greene so you guys won't get mixed up.

Anyway, I pulled the amazing stunt of losing my pencil in 3rd period.

Today in Biology, something really weird happened. Taco and I were working on a really stupid assignment when Taco made some really weird noise. After that I said "What the hell?" and we just started cracking up for 10 minutes straight...good god, I've never...

by Ace - Comments: 2 - Views: 253
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Day 27

My left eye is twitchy...

Today, I successfully did all of these things:

Stabbed myself with a pencil...twice. On accident.
Shot myself in the eye with a rubber band.
Got hit in the face with a crobar, trying to open a jammed locker. My hands slipped... and my nose hurt for like 2 hours.
Got my finger slammed in a door.
Hurt my leg in an unexplainable way. It was about 5 minutes before I was going to leave my house to my bus stop in the morning when my left leg got this really weird feeling... I kinda flexed it or something and it became extremely painful...

by Ace - Comments: 2 - Views: 231
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Remember the girl who lost her pants? I became friends with her, and she's actually pretty nice. Very Happy

I have yet to learn anything in English...

I'm doing a Biology project for Taco in exchange for $15... It'll be the easiest 15 bucks I'll ever make.

Today, I got out early to go to lunch (like 5 minutes early). Right when I walked into the cafeteria, I saw this really fast thing run across the floor and under a table... So I looked under the table and it was a big fat mouse... It's really...

by Ace - Comments: 9 - Views: 248
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Day 24

First death of the school year...some girl died this morning in a rollover accident in her car. No other vehicle was involved and no one else was in the vehicle, so it's unclear what actually happened. I didn't know her and neither did Taco or any of the MKs...But I just thought it would be worth writing here.

Last year there was a total of 8 students who were killed, 4 of them I knew. I wonder how many will die this year.


Geo: 94
Hst: 99
FCS: 83
Eng: 84
Phs: 100
BCA: 89
Bio: 96.8 (+2.8)

by Ace - Comments: 4 - Views: 290
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Day 23

Today sucked. It felt like 100 degrees outside...Fahrenheit...Faaaaahrennnnnnnnnnnnnnheit. Funny word.

ANYWAY. I couldn't do anything in any classes except FACS, ABCA, and PE because my locker broke. The dial with the numbers on it wouldn't turn and was completely stuck... Me, Taco, MK, a second MK, and a third MK couldn't even get it open with a crobar. There are three MKs because I have three friends with the same name. Very Happy

I have yet to get my locker open and do my homework. It really sucks.

by Ace - Comments: 3 - Views: 245
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Day 22

Today, I convinced Taco and MK to join the army with me when we're old enough. Yay I'm in a really happy mood now. Very Happy The only bad thing is that I have a ton of homework...again...

Still, I think I've been pretty successful today.


Geo: 94 (-6)
Hst: 99
FCS: 98
Eng: 84
Phs: 100
BCA: 88
Bio: 94 (+8)

by Ace - Comments: 10 - Views: 293
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Day 21

Derp. I was caught sending my work to someone else in my ABCA class for money. It hurt my grade... a lot. Sad

I slept through the majority of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th periods 'cause there was basically nothing to do.


Geo: 100
Hst: 99
FCS: 98 (-2)
Eng: 84 (+1)
Phs: 100
BCA: 88 (-14)
Bio: 86 (+9)

Every good change results in a bigger bad change.

EDIT: There's an error on people's profile things. There's a huge empty space to the right of...

by Ace - Comments: 1 - Views: 286
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Day 20

It really sucks that I'm only on Day 20. It feels like day 400.

I got a few surprises today...

One, MK got out of 'back on track'.

Two, me and this other guy were punching and pushing each other around just for the fun of it, when MK just came out of nowhere and shoved the other guy down. MK was like really PO'd... the other guy was new to the school so MK didn't know him, and thought he was trying to fight me or something. When I explained what we were doing, MK laughed, hleped the guy up and said it was a misunderstanding... It feels good to know someone always...

by Ace - Comments: 1 - Views: 281
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Day 19

I GOT TOO MUCH HOMEWORK. I was going to take advantage of an extra day for the Hero thing...but now I can't. I'm having to sacrifice sleep to get this BS done.

Today I met a guy who has a disease or something (can't remember the name) that makes him have to take 4 shots of insulin every day...that would suck really bad.


Geo: 100
Hst: 99
FCS: 100
Eng: 83
Phs: 100
BCA: 102
Bio: 77

by Ace - Comments: 0 - Views: 217
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My English class is flat-out retarded... The teacher does nothing but give out tons of work that don't teach the students anything and just cut time from doing REAL work...It's incredibly annoying. I haven't learned a single thing in that stupid class, and the work the teacher gives won't help anyone in their field of work in the future... It's a pointless class and I hate it more than FACS care-for-babies class. The teacher gives out so much work, she must now acknowledge that people actually have lives. I don't even know why English 10 exists...the work is too long, the topics too stupid...and...

by Ace - Comments: 12 - Views: 385
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Day 18

Dude...I just had the crap scared out of me. Figuratively.

I was on the bus. Just before my stop, there's a very small one lane road that the bus has to use. There was a small Toyota on the road, blocking the bus from getting on the road. My bus was on a four-lane intersection, waiting for the car to move. The Toyota was in a weird spot, and I don't think the driver knew what s/he was doing or where s/he was going, so the driver backed out toward the bus to give it room. But the bus created a blind spot between the Toyota and the lane beside the bus. Just as the Toyota backed out, a...

by Ace - Comments: 5 - Views: 280
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